Tragedy Tomorrow, Comedy Tonight
I first developed a passion for comedy when I was just 5 years old listening to my Mom's Shelley Berman and Tom Lehrer records.
For 40 years I have listened to comedians like George Carlin, Bill Hicks, Cheech & Chong, and Down-East/Yankee humor of Bert & I and Tim Sample. I drove everyone crazy repeating all the jokes I had memorized, over and over. Eventually, I started telling my own funny jokes and stories.
Throughout the 80's and 90's I ran a DJ business and I was a DJ at WUNH in Durham, NH for a short time. It was a lot of fun and a great learning experience. I loved being on the microphone and entertaining people!
In 2001, I started my own motorcycle shows called "East Coast Hoppers" and Observed Trials business called "Got Balance?". I love to entertain people and give them an opportunity to have fun and forget their troubles for a while!
In 2014, I performed my first Comedy Open Mic at The Skybox Bar and Grill in Westbrook, Maine. I got a ton of laughs and knew this was what I wanted to do. So I started writing and performing comedy on a regular basis. And performing at Open Mics around Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Also, I host Virtual Open Mics and Workshops on Zoom. And help produce a comedy show on Zoom.
You have one of best minds I know. And have a huge heart. Thanks for the sunshine.
When I write LOL I mean I am REALLY laughing out loud. It's not just an expression. I read up to "getting shot in the chin" to Tom and he laughed out loud! I cracked up at the one about picking my pocket... and cook him breakfast. Love it. I also laughed - LOL -at the cursive one. Also LOL at the flying saucer. The self check out aisle is hysterical. You are freakin' awesome. I don't have a single bit of advice for you. I loved it.
I think that was one of your best sets ever.
Thanks. Very interesting. You seem to be very natural as a comedian.
Dr. Matthew P.
Well done! Made me chuckle and laugh and I'm a tough audience.
ROFL! That was good buddy! Very creative!
I think you were fantastic. ALL your jokes were funny. People were laughing the whole time, I was laughing the whole time. If I paid to see you I would have been very happy. It's clever, witty and funny. You also add lib well and have a contagious smile. You're really great!!!!!
Jareth is a funny comedian and a talented producer/promoter. When he hosts an open mic he makes sure the customers, venue, and comedians are all having fun. Nothing mediocre about this guy.
-Laurie Ayers,
Here are a few only of my highlights…. Hannaford’s before the storm with no “EZPass” lane. Brilliant “I love me”. Clever “I have that kinda time…” personal and brilliant. Your timing is great and your pauses…wait for it… are FREAKIN’ AWESOME. It’s obvious you’ve been working your butt off!!!!!!!!!!
YOU ARE FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy shit dude that's pretty damned good! You're definitely getting better....
Dude, you were fabulous!
Count it as a headlining gig.
-Joe D
You covered a lot of material in 8 minutes. Original jokes based on your personal experiences. You've got a good memory and know your material. Good recovery after that person said, "you're going to hell." after your sausage joke. You used a callback (I think that's what it is) to reference your lost package joke. You paused after your jokes so you could get the laughs. That's good!
I liked it man. I liked the wordplay. Very creative! :)
-Lisa D-O
You are amazing. You make people laugh out loud and you make other comics really funny. Happy Birthday. May all the joy you give others be reflected back on you ten fold. Be safe, happy and enjoy your time with friends and family
Thanks for producing shows and providing stage time!
"If you are having a hard time delivering jokes virtually, then perhaps you can reach out to any of these comedians for help and guidance. We are here to help each other.
Jareth Johnson has his open mic as well and trains comedians. Take advantage of that shit because his performance was aces. Help someone now by paying it forward."
© 1960 Jareth Johnson Comedy